24 July 2016

Suitcase. Capri, Italy - Travel Guide

Being the lover of luxury that I am, I figured no visit to Positano would be complete without a trip over to the island of Capri - playground of the filthy rich and infamously famous. What fun!


On arrival it was like being assaulted by a stylish hub-bub of colours, sounds and smells. Down by the marina the shops are bright and the boats are too.

First stop was a trip up to the highest point in Capri. With no fear of heights [rather more of an unhealthy addiction to them], I jumped in the spindly chairlift and climbed the 600m to the summit.

Wow. Talk about views for days. The water simply glistens from up here like it's winking at you, dotted with multi-million dollar boats that casually bob in the bay.

Having taken in my fair share of the panoramic view I returned to lower ground to wander the towns of Anacapri and Capri - with a gelato in-hand, naturally.

Now this is somewhere I could really spend a summer. The streets are lined with all my designer favourites and blooming bougainvillea appears on every corner, as if it were artistically sprinkled around. There's no doubt Capri has a luxe, somewhat elite air about it, but despite that it's a place full of fun.

Having enjoyed my fair share of fun and sunshine for the day I hopped on the ferry back over to the mainland. Capri, I have a feeling I'll be seeing you next summer...

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Photos by Krissie.